Programming for Testers

Programming is an essential part of Test Automation. But, as Testers, we do not need to know how to develop full applications, but we do need to understand the basics of the language the tool we have chosen uses.

Many of our courses include a langauge primer chapter, but we also have some dedicated courses if you want to understand coding before using your automated testing tool of choice.

All of the courses are:

  • Instructor-Led
  • Come with comprehensive e-workbook
  • Are hands-on, practical
  • Provide all you need to know to get the best out of the Automated Testing Tool you are using

Here are some of the courses we have available:

C# Primer for Testers

Designed for newcomers to C#, working in Visual Development Studio, this course teaches you all the fundamentals of C#:

  • Creating C# Projects
  • Variables & Data Types
  • Arrays, Dates & Random Numbers
  • Console Input
  • Operators & Logical Conditions
  • Loops
  • Methods & Variable Scope
  • Error Handling
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Namespaces & DLLs
  • Static Classes

The course is over 2 half days online, and a fun project of creating a console game is set for students.


SQL Primer for Testers

This course introduces SQL for newcomers who are testers. Quite often we are asked to test an application through the front-end GUI, but then to check the backend database to ensure correct values are being populated.

This course focuses around SELECT statements and how to query databases. The course uses SQL Server Express and SS Management Studio, but the SQL taught applies to any RDBMS.

This is a hands-on practical 1/2 day course online.

Other Languages

We also offer similar courses in:

  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Ruby

Please contact us for more information.

Course Delivery and Duration

The course is delivered online, instructor-led (VILT) with each day being approximately 3.5 hours training. It can also be delivered on-site, classroom-based if required.


We use GoToTraining for delivery, which can be accessed from a web browser. It provides full audio (VoIP, or Phone), desktop sharing, polls, quizzes, recording etc. We can also Microsoft Teams if required. Cypress can be run on Windows, Linux or Mac, and the course relates to all three platforms.


Just an understanding of the Windows platform.