Selenium WebDriver Java

The web testing standard

Selenium WebDriver has become the standard tool for automated web testing. It has received an endorsement from W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), the community which works on web standards development and Selenium 4 is W3C compliant. It is open-source and provides a powerful set of tools for testing your web site. It is available on any platform and can be used with just about any web browser, including remote execution via Selenium Grid.

You can also integrate it into a huge variety of frameworks such as Cucumber, SpecFlow, Mocha etc, as well as testing frameworks such as NUnit, xUnit, JUnit, MSTest etc., and use your choice of assertion libraries. It also integrates very easily into Continuous Integration Tools such as Jenkins, Azure DevOps, TeamCity etc.

Our Course

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Our Selenium Java course is very comprehensive, and covers all you need to know about Selenium WebDriver Java. It includes in-depth topics on locators (critical to reliable tests), Page Object Models, integration into CI tools. It also covers topics on Selenium Grid/Server and Selenium IDE.

Technologies Used

  • Eclipse*, Maven*, Selenium WebDriver Java, JUnit, Java, Git, GitHub, Jenkins

We can use IntelliJ instead of Eclipse if you prefer, and also we can use either Maven or Gradle.


The course can be taken online or on-site at your offices. For the online training, it is live, instructor-led and we use GoToTraining for our virtual classroom environment. All delegates receive a very comprehensive workbook.

The online course is over 5 days, with each day being approximately 3.5 hours of online training. For classroom training it is a 3 full day course.

Course Overview

Installation & Project Setup

How to install Selenium WebDriver Java, JUnit, JDK, Eclipse & Maven, and other useful tools. Creating a Maven project.

Introducing WebDriver

How to write a simple automation script in WebDriver within a standard java Class 


Creating a WebDriver & JUnit script via recording (Selenium IDE)

Object Identification

Element locator strategies, using simple techniques

Object Identification using CSS & XPath

More complex locator strategies using CSS & XPath notation.

Synchronisation & Debugging

Implicit and Explicit Waits explained, debugging your test scripts.

WebDriver with JUnit

Overview of the JUnit key words. Using the correct WebDriver methods. Using the correct validation techniques. Using JUnit Test Suites.

Helpers & Base Classes

Code re-use through Helper Methods and Base Classes.

Introducing Page Objects (POM)

Introduction to why we do it and how it makes life easier. Refactoring our tests using the PageFactory. Developing your own POM

Command Line & Reporting

Command Line execution with Maven, Passing Parameters, Taking Screenshots, Using Surefire Reporting, 3rd Party Reporting tools.

Data-Driven testing

In-line and external data sources, data-driving your tests.

Cross-Browser & Selenium Server

Executing tests remotely using Selenium Server/Grid, Cross-Browser Testing


Integration with source control (Git & GitHub), integration with Jenkins and automating Test execution