
How to set up a Linux Virtual Machine for Selenium Grid – Part 1

By |2018-03-29T14:31:15+00:00August 14th, 2017|Categories: Selenium Grid|Tags: , , , , |

As a follow on to the earlier tutorial How to set up a Selenium Grid for Remote WebDriver Execution, in this tutorial we are going to set up a small Linux Virtual Machine (VM) for running remote WebDriver tests via Selenium Grid. Broadly the steps involved are: Acquire and Install Virtual Machine Software Create a virtual [...]

Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)

By |2018-03-29T14:31:15+00:00July 21st, 2017|Categories: BDD, SpecFlow|Tags: , , , , , |

What is Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD)? History eXtreme Programming (XP) and Test-Driven Development (TDD) have been around for a long time. The idea was for stakeholders and testers to write automated tests that expressed their desired outcome from the system. These would fail to begin with as there was no code to test against, but [...]

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