Yearly Archives: 2018

BDD using Ranorex, NUnit, POM in Visual Studio 2017 part 2

By |2018-03-29T14:31:11+00:00March 19th, 2018|Categories: BDD, Ranorex, SpecFlow|Tags: , , , , , , |

This follows on from part 1 of our BDD with Ranorex 8 blog So far, we have done all the required set up in Visual Studio, now let's create our test framework! Base Test Class As all of our tests need to start and stop browsers and deal with the web page (DOM), lets just do [...]

BDD using Ranorex, NUnit, POM in Visual Studio 2017 part 1

By |2020-07-02T08:03:49+00:00March 19th, 2018|Categories: BDD, Ranorex, SpecFlow|Tags: , , , , , , |

BDD using Ranorex, NUnit, POM in Visual Studio 2017 In this example, we are going to work through creating a BDD project in Visual Studio using SpecFlow and Ranorex. This is to show that we can do BDD using Ranorex, but as a draw back we don’t have access to Object Repositories. This could create a [...]

Ranorex 8.0 – Maintenance Mode

By |2018-03-29T14:31:12+00:00March 1st, 2018|Categories: Automated Testing, Ranorex|Tags: , , |

How to use Maintenance Mode in Ranorex 8.0 Maintenance Mode is a handy new feature, added to Ranorex Studio in version 8.0. It allows for the ability to pause, catch and debug certain errors and then continue to run your tests, during test execution, therefore saving time and making the test script writing process, a whole [...]

Highlighting Web Elements

By |2018-03-29T14:31:12+00:00February 23rd, 2018|Categories: Automated Testing, Selenium Grid, Selenium WebDriver|Tags: , , , |

Highlighting Web Elements with Selenium WebDriver C# Selenium WebDriver is a test automation tool used to drive web applications (hence the name) :D. It works at the user interface level, so it will click on buttons, enter text into text fields, perform validations for us etc. as well as a multitude of other functions. One issue, [...]

Ranorex, Git, GitHub & Jenkins Continuous Integration

By |2018-03-29T14:31:12+00:00January 22nd, 2018|Categories: Ranorex|

Continuous Integration with Ranorex Continuous Integration is a hot topic in the world of automated testing, and Ranorex provides some great integrations for this. It integrates directly with Git and GitHub through the Ranorex Studio IDE, Ranorex provide a Jenkins Plug-In for Test Execution, and as Ranorex is .NET, we can even automate the build [...]

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